If tail weight is not needed, I suggest that you mount a single powerful digital servo such as a
JR 8611 or Hitec 5955 in the servo tray and use pull-pull cables to actuate the rudder. If neces-
sary there is a second servo cutout which can be used to gang two servos for the rudder and still
use pull-pull.
Throttle and (optional)
choke servo installation.
We recommend that a small
servo be used to operate the
choke as well as the throttle.
This provides an extra level
of safety by acting as a sec-
ondary engine kill mecha-
nism in case of failure in the
throttle control system.
It is impossible for us to an-
ticipate every potential throt-
tle layout for every engine,
so I have included photos of
two typical installations. The one above is for a DA 50 with rear carb, but presumably could
apply to any rear carb engine. Notice that all we did is add two lite ply supports behind the mo-
tor box.
Another installation is shown below,
this is a G62 which has a side carb
setup. This photo does not show the
choke installation, it required re-
moval of the factory installed arm
and installation of a new one in the
proper orientation.
Never attach pushrods to the engine
with metal connector. There must be
an insulator between the engine and
any extension or it can act as an an-
tenna transmitting RF signals.