Williams Sound
Helping People Hear
Some telephone equipment generates and uses radio-
frequency energy and, if not installed properly, may
cause interference to radio and television reception.
Your TeleTalker product has been tested and found
to meet the standards for a Class B computing
device, as specified in Subpart J of Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These specifications are designed to
provide reasonable protection against such interfer-
ence in a residential installation. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If your TeleTalker product causes interference to
radio or television reception when it’s in use, you
might correct the interference with any one of these
Where it can be done safely, re-orient the
receiving telephone or radio antenna.
To the extent possible, relocate the television,
radio or other receiver with respect to the tele-
phone equipment.
If your telephone product runs on AC power,
plug your product into an AC outlet that’s not
in the same circuit as one used by your radio
or television.
Interference Information: Part 15 Of FCC Rules