1) Install the mylar in the sail. (If the mylar pockets have been replaced you will need to trim
the rear edge of the mylar by 1/2". Also, you will probably need to remove one 1/4" shim
from the sail mount plug to mount the sail looser.) Make sure you install it right side up; the
curved edge is at the front and on the bottom. The easiest way to install the mylar is to push
it into the pocket using a long lofting batten attached to the end of the mylar insert which is
first inserted in the pocket. A small diameter pin on the end of the lofting batten placed
through a small hole in the end of the mylar insert allows you to push the mylar into the sail
and remove the batten while leaving the mylar in place. You will have to stop from time to
time to make sure the mylar is properly lying flat in the pocket. Do not push the mylar too far
into the pocket; stop when the top side wire hole in the mylar lines up with the hole in the
sail. Make sure there are no folds in the mylar, especially at the tips. Make sure the mylar
wraps in the proper direction to follow the sail around the leading edge as it enters the
pocket. There are mating velcro surfaces on the mylar and inside the sail that secure the
mylar in place - be sure to attach these.
2) Position the sail on the floor with the keel pocket up and the wings folded over so that the
leading edges lie along the length of the root line, with the mylar pockets lying on top.
3) Prepare the frame, making sure that the side wires are pulled forward from the crossbar
leading edge junction and are not wrapped around the frame.
4) Position the frame with the bottom of the noseplate facing up and with the rear end of the
leading edges at the nose of the sail. Slide the frame into the the sail through the open
bottom surface zipper, making sure that the leading edges of the frame pass properly into
the leading edge pockets of the sail and don’t get caught at the rear of the bottom surface
near the root. As you feed the frame slowly into the sail, check periodically to see that none
of the hardware is snagging on the sail.
5) After the frame is fully installed, feed the top front kingpost wire through the hole in the
sail, and install the nose sail restraint string. (You will need to re-adjust this later). Mount the
webbing anchor loops over the rear leading edge endcaps.
Make sure you mount the
inner webbing loops in the endcap slots, not the outer “handle” loops!
Make sure that
the webbing lies flat and smooth in the slot, and that the sail is properly aligned when
mounted. (Proper sail alignment is sometimes difficult to check at this time - recheck this
when you do your fully assembled pre-flight of the glider). Secure the velcro retainer tabs.
6) Working through the camera mount zippers, insert the top and bottom side wires through
the holes in the sail, making sure that no cable is wrapped around a leading edge or cross-
bar, and that no thimbles are cocked or twisted.
7) Bolt the bottom rear wires to the rear of the keel. Install the control bar legs onto the
apex slider. Install the bottom front, bottom rear and bottom side wires to the control bar
corners, attaching the basetube to the legs in the process.
8) Flip the glider up onto the control bar.
9) Re-install all the top wires onto the kingpost.