Prepare the engine after stop - general
After a decrease of the engine speed to less than 8% the ECS automatically starts the post-
lubrication of the cylinders.
The water and oil pumps must operate for a minimum of 20 minutes after the engine has
stopped. This is to make sure that when the engine temperature has decreased, the
temperature of engine parts become as stable as possible.
For a short period after an engine stop of one week or less, usually you keep the auxiliary systems
in operation, refer to section
8.19 Prepare the engine for a short service break
For a long period after an engine stop of more than one week or for maintenance of the engine,
you do the steps in section
8.20 Prepare the engine for standstill or for maintenance
. If you have
to do maintenance, you have to make a decision about which steps of the procedure are necessary
for the specified maintenance tasks.
Operation Manual
Prepare the engine after stop - general
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
- 350 -
Issue 003 2021-12