Winmate E430 Series PDA
User Guide
certification authority that the client explicitly trust.
Setting Year, Month, Date, Time and Time Zone.
Dialing Properties setting such as local area code, country code and
region code.
Change background, Appearance and Backlight on E430.
Input Panel
Change input method and option setting. In E430 the default input
method is LargeKB.
Internet Options
Settings about IE browser such as Start Page, Privacy, Security and
Search Page.
Setting about character repeat, repeat delay and repeat rate.
Setting the double-click sensitivity for both the speed and physical
distance between clicks.
Network and Dial-up Connections
Some setting about WiFi connection and USB serial connection.
You can specify owner information in here. In Notes you can see and
add additional information. In Network ID, Win CE uses this
information to gain access to network resources. Enter the user name,
password and domain provided by your network administrator.
You can assign a password to restrict access to elements of E430. After
you assign the password, it can’t be circumvented so please note this.