When closing the window, crank the window
in snugly, then back off 1/4 turn to help avoid
glass warping which can result in wind noise.
If the window will not open after three or more
full turns of the knob, the glass may be stuck to
the sealing gasket. Go to the outside of the coach
and gently free the glass with your fingers. A pe-
riodic light dusting of talcum powder on the gas-
ket should prevent this from recurring.
Horizontal Slider Windows
Swing the latch handle straight out from the
window. Grasp the sliding window edge frame
and slide the window to the side. Be sure the latch
is open before trying to slide the window closed.
Vertical Slider Windows
Vertical windows have spring-loaded catches
on both sides of the window that pop out to hold
the window in its fully raised position. Press the
catches outward toward the frames while lower-
ing the window.
Vertical Window Catches