1. Clean the toilet bowl with a mild bathroom
cleaner. Do not allow cleaners to set in the
bowl for long periods of time to avoid dam-
aging the seals. Do not use caustic or abra-
sive cleaners because it may damage the
plastic surfaces.
2. Dump and rinse holding tank.
3. Add odor control chemical in amount speci-
fied after cleaning and every few days during
4. Remove the water line from the base of the
toilet and clean the screen.
5. If the flush valve becomes stiff after
extended use, it may be lubricated with a sil-
icone spray.Turn the water pump off and
operate flush pedal to drain water from the
toilet bowl. Spray silicone lubricant onto
flush valve inside bowl and operate flush
pedal a few times to ensure free operation.
See instructions in Section 10 to prepare the
toilet for storage in freezing conditions.
The fold-up lavatory is designed to store
against the wall as a space-saving measure when
not in use. The sink is equipped with a dual con-
trol sink faucet and hand-held shower head. It
uses a unique drainage system similar to that of
railroad pullman cars.
To Use:
Unsnap the strap that secures the lavatory
against the cabinet and lower the lavatory into
To Drain and Store:
Raise the front edge of the lavatory toward the
wall and fasten the latch. The water contained in
the basin will flow into a concealed drain cavity
behind the lavatory cabinet.
To use the shower, first lift the shower pan
cover from the floor of the vehicle between the
entrance stepwell and the bath cabinet door. Set
the cover aside during shower use.
Next, fully extend the bathroom walls as de-
scribed on the previous page.
Before turning the water on, snap the shower
curtain to the walls and turn on the Shower Drain
pump switch as described below.
Shower Drain Pump Switch
Because of the compact nature of this coach,
the shower has a small sump pump to draw water
from the shower floor into the sewage water
holding tank while the shower is in use.
The Shower Drain pump switch is located on
the face of the medicine cabinet. Press the switch
to turn the pump on. A small light on the switch
will glow to indicate when the pump is active.
Unsnap strap to lower sink