Chapter IV System operation
Section 1 Getting Started
Hint: make sure that the access of AC voltage and DVR's requirements, and ensure the DVR power outlet in the
middle of the Earth-side good grounding. Now make sure that you have a single HDMI or VGA display and hard
disk recorder.
Plug the mains lead into the DVR; Turn on the power switch on the back panel of DVR; The Power indication
light then comes on.
The device's power-on time may be long, please be patient.
Section 2
Login and Logout
System Login
Press any key of front panel, system will pop-up the login interface as shown in Fig. 12. Please select a user in
―User Login‖, then move cursor to password input box and press ―EDIT‖ or ―
‖ on front panel to get into input
interface in which to input the password. Language can also be selected in this dialogue box.
2U Case D1 model and 2U Case CIF model, press "Edit" to get into input interface.
1.5U model, press "
" to get into input interface.
Fig. 12
NOTE: 1. System default administrator ―admin‖, password ―123456‖, has the superlative level authority.
2. Assure system security, please enter ‗Main Menu
User‘ to modify original password of
Administrator in time.