ADSL and IP camera’s PPPoE accesses the internet mode
Fills the username and password which applies in the DDNS server on the DDNS setting item, then fills
the PPPoE username and password which applies in the network servicer on the PPPoE setting item,
finished ADSL Modem connect with IP camera.The long-distance Internet user can
visit the camera in the network via domain name form directly.
The DDNS parameter detailed setting same with above, the PPPoE setting must fills the correct PPPoE
username and password which applies from the network servicer.
Appendix 5. FAQ
1. How do I login to the camera if I’ve forgotten the passwords?
Press the reset button on the back of the camera to reset the camera to factory defaults.
please don't press
if you are not professional.
2. My IP camera will not restart. What should I do?
Unplug the camera’s power source. Then, depress the RESET button on the camera’s back
panel. While holding RESET, plug the camera’s power source back in. After several seconds, the internal
operating system will run a system restore. After a few minutes, the IP camera will start normally.
3. I don’t see an image in the browser window.
ActiveX may be disabled.
You need to install the ActiveX Control when you visit IP Camera for the first time.
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