Make sure the stove sits properly
on a level, heat proof surface
without leaving spaces at the
point of contact
Hakikisha jiko imekalia sakafu
vizuri bila kuacha nafasi katikati.
Unaweza kutumia kizuizi
kisichopasha joto rahisi kwenye
Load dry wood into the stove.
Ensure the wood is tightly
packed together without
leaving spaces in between. The
wood should not come above
the holes at the top of the fuel
Panga kuni zilizokauka kwenye
jiko. Hakikisha kuni zimeshikana
vizuri bila kuacha mapengo katkati. Kuni hazifai
kupita mashimo yaliyo juu ya sehemu unayoiweka kuni
Slot in small pieces of wood at
the top of the bigger pieces
Weka vipande vidogo vidogo vya
kuni juu ya kuni kubwa
Please follow the following instructions
Tafadhali fuata maagizo yafuatayo
After about 1
hours, the flame will turn from
orange to blue and glowing charcoal will be left.
You can leave the charcoal in the jiko where you
can continue cooking or damp the charcoal for
future use.
Baada ya lisaa limoja na nusu hivi, ndimi za moto
zitaisha na makaa yanayowaka yatabaki kwenye jiko.
Unaweza kuendelea kupika ukitumia haya makaa.
Unaweza pia kuyazima na kuyahifadhi.
When all the wood has turned into
charcoal more charcoal or wood can be
added in small amounts to prolong the
cooking period
Kuni zinapogeuka na kuwa makaa,
unaweza kuongeza kiwango kidogo cha
makaa au kuni ikiwa unataka kuendelea
kupika kwa muda mrefu zaidi
For easier lighting, dip a few
small pieces of wood in kerosene
then place them on top. (You can
also light the stove without using
Unaweza kutumbukiza vipande vin-
gine kwa mafuta taa kisha uviwe-
kelee juu. Washa jiko kutoka juu
(Bado unaweza kuiasha jiko bila
kutumia mafuta taa)
NB: Don’t pour kerosene on the wood.
Usimwagilie mafuta taa kwenye kuni
After about 5 minutes, now you are
ready to cook! If the flames come
up too high, use a long piece of
wood to gently push down the char-
coal that has formed on top of the
wood. This will reduce the flames
Baada ya dakika kama tano hivi
wekelea chakula chako na uanze ku-
pika! Moto ukiwa mwingi sana, tumia
kijiti kirefu kusukuma chini makaa
yaliyo juu ya kuni zinazochomeka, ili
kupunguza moto
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