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Wodtke GmbH - Tübingen. All Rights and Changes Reserved.Printed 04/2015
Part No. 950 976
"On / Off" (Eigang EIN/AUS) Input -
Display Indicator HE ON / HE OFF
24 V digital input (bridged, protected against po-
larity reversal): for activation / deactivation via an
external, potential-free room thermostat or heating
Fig. 34: on/off input
Bridge closed = furnace ON
Bridge open = furnace OFF
Note: Button
on the control board has prior-
ity over the "On/Off" input.
– Display Indicator HE
Analogue input, 0-10 V or 4-20 mA switchable (not
bridged, note polarity): for modulation of the fur-
nace output via an external modulating room ther-
mostat or heating controller. The "Modulation" in-
put must first be switched active for use. The
"Modulation" input only responds if the furnace is
activated; that is, a combination with the
"ON/OFF" input is required.
Fig. 35: modulation input
1. Attention:
Note polarity
2. DIP switches: V / mA changeover for "Modula-
tion" input
I/O button has first priority, MIN/MAX (external),
ON/OFF (external), R.M (internal) have priority
over modulation.
If the modulation input is switched active, the fur-
nace no longer responds to the RS 485 interface
(BUS is automatically deactivated as soon as
modulation is activated) or to modulation
mode/time switch mode via BB-S5 (TC1).
a corresponding controller must be connected to
the modulation input after activation, because oth-
erwise the furnace will run permanently only at the
smallest load.
Activation of the modulation input: Only permitted
for specialist companies! Proceed as follows:
button 1 x
change to menu level 1
Now hold
buttons simultane-
ously for at least 3 seconds until "S" appears in
the display
change to menu level 2
Now hold
buttons pressed until "M
OFF" indicator appears in the display.
Now press
buttons simultaneously
until "M ON" indicator appears in the display
the "Modulation" input is now switched active.
button for at least 3 seconds
to operating level
Switch over modulation input from 0-10 V to 4-20
Fig. 36: modulation DIP switches
0-10 V = both DIP switches to V to the
4-20 mA = both DIP switches to mA to the