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Wodtke GmbH - Tübingen. All Rights and Changes Reserved.Printed 04/2015
Part No. 950 976
16.3 Cleaning Heating Gas Flues
1. Open combustion chamber door and re-
move cover and panels on front, top and
see Chapter 6.3.
2. Unscrew the 4 fastening screws for the
cast cover and remove cast cover. The
same hex wrench used to open the doors
can be used to remove the screws.
Fig. 78: view without covers
Fig. 79: cast cover screws
3. Pull out all 12 turbulators upward out of the
heating gas flues and clean with a cloth.
Fig. 80: turbulators
Fig. 81: turbulator removal and
4. Thoroughly clean all 12 heating gas flues
over the entire length with the cleaning
brush. The soot falls down into the heating
gas collection duct on the fan and is then
vacuumed out below. After brushing, re-
place all turbulators.
Fig. 82: cleaning of heating gas flues
the turbulators are slightly buckled on top at the
last approx. 10 cm so that they are taut in the heat-
ing gas flues and do not rattle.
The buckling must therefore be up, as otherwise
the turbulators are difficult to insert.