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16.4 Cleaning Heating Gas Flues,
1. The front panelling and the glass slats
must be removed (see Chapter 6.1).
2. Unscrew the four fastening screws of the
cast cover and remove the cover toward
the front (Fig. 88).
3. Then perform cleaning, the same as for the
family.nrg (Chapter 16.3 from step 3).
Fig. 87: easy.nrg
without front bezel
Fig. 88: removal of cast cover
16.5 Cleaning Heating Gas Flues
1. Remove cover and open combustion
chamber door
see Chapter 6.2 steps 1
to 2.
2. Unscrew the four fastening screws of the
cast cover using the enclosed hex handle
and remove the cover upward (Fig. 89).
3. Then perform cleaning, the same as for the
family.nrg (Chapter 16.3 from step 3).
Fig. 89: removal of cast cover, crazy.nrg