1 - Escape wheel (#35)
8 - 1/8" x 1 ½" dowels
1 - Pinion hub (#30)
2 - Nylon shoulder washers
Assembly Procedure
Lightly sand the 1/8" x 1 ½" dowels with 600 grit sandpaper to polish them smooth. Use a toothpick
to apply glue to the insides of the eight holes in the escape wheel (#35).
Make sure the escape wheel
is oriented with the correct face up as shown below
. Carefully tap the 1/8" dowels into the holes in
the escape wheel, driving them until they bottom out in the holes.
Use a toothpick to apply glue to the insides of the eight holes in the pinion hub (#30). Carefully tap
the pinon hub onto the dowels protruding from the escape wheel. It will work best to tip the pinion
hub to engage one or two dowels, and then gradually work the successive dowels into position, one at
a time. When all eight dowels have engaged their holes, tap the pinon hub down until the ends of the
dowels are all flush with the pinion hub. Clean up any glue squeeze out.
Glue a nylon shoulder washer into the outer face of the pinion hub and the outer face of the escape