Final Assembly
Rear frame (assembled previously)
Front frame (assembled previously)
Escapement frame (assembled previously)
Escape wheel unit (assembled previously)
Middle wheel unit (assembled previously)
Great wheel unit (assembled previously)
4 - Set washers (#34)
5 - Spacer washers (#49)
1 - Entry pallet arm (#28)
1 - Exit pallet arm (#33)
4 - Nylon shoulder washers
4 - #4x1/2" screws
Assembly Procedure
Lay the rear frame on a table with the dowels point up. Hold the escape wheel and middle wheel units
together with the escape wheel pinion hub facing up and the middle wheel pinion hub facing down.
Simultaneously slide the two wheels onto arbors #2 and #3. Press a set washer (#34) onto arbor #3
until it is nearly in contact with the 60-tooth middle wheel gear. Place a spacer washer (#49) onto
arbor #2.
Insert the great wheel assembly into the nylon shoulder washer in the rear frame. It will be necessary
to tip the arbor and then stand it up as it engages with the lantern pinions of the middle wheel. Place a
spacer washer (#49) onto the great wheel arbor. Note: the 60-tooth gear and the 10-tooth gear are
supposed to contact each other.