Winding Pull
1 - Winding pull middle (#15)
2 - Winding pull faces (#53)
Assembly Procedure
1) Hold the winding pull middle piece (#15) between the two winding pull side pieces (#53). With the
pieces held together, sand the perimeter if desired and then apply finish as desired.
2) With the clock mounted on the wall, wind the clock fully by pulling down on the rewind cord with
your left hand while simultaneously raising the weight with your right hand (it might be necessary to
wrap the cord around a piece of wood in order to maintain a solid grip on the cord).
3) Verify that the winding cord passes over the pulley on arbor #5 of the frame.
4) If necessary, cut off the winding cord so it hangs just to the floor.
5) Tie a large knot near the end of the winding cord. Insert the cord into the slot on the winding pull
middle piece (#15), with the knot located in the hole in the center piece. Make sure the knot cannot
pull through the slot.
6) Glue the two winding pull faces (#53) to either side of the winding pull middle (#15).