This next section is most critical. Improperly installing the Mounting Panel results in the majority of trouble calls to Woodfold.
Repeat after me:
I will read this section. I will read this section.
If your door is a LH or RH stacked door or a pair (see the top of Page 2) you need to read this Section.
If yours is a DE door, forget the warning above and skip ahead to Section 4.
Caution! Take care when attaching the Mounting Panel to the wall. As you unfold the door to insert the screws, the position
of the Mounting Panel may move away from your marks. Sometimes, the marks look “off” when the door is extended.
Trust your marks!
Check it out!
Can you see the pencil marks? If not, the door has shifted. If there is a gap between the edge and your
marks, the door has shifted the other way. Stack the door against the Mounting Panel; it should form a neat, tight
stack. DON’T Force it. If it binds, you missed your marks!
When the door stacks properly, re-extend it and install 2 more screws between the first 2, about equal distances apart.
Mark wall near top and
bottom at edge of
Mounting Panel
It is important! Make the marks while the door is in its stacked position or the door will not close properly.
OK! Here comes the critical step. You just marked the wall at the top and bottom of the mounting panel edge with the door
stacked. Now, extend the door to have access to the Mounting Panel. Hold the Mounting Panel edge at the pencil marks at
both top and bottom!
Push the door to the side that will be fastened permanently to the wall. Let the door form its own plumb (hang free) and carefully
mark the wall with a pencil at the edge of the mounting panel near the top and bottom of the door.
Insert #6 x 1½” flat head screws about 8” up from the floor and 8” down from the track.
” F
t Head
E dge Location Marks
#6x1½ flat head screw
Mounting Panel