Manual 36523B
DPG-2201-00X Digital Controllers
have a current versus position curve that is incompatible with this controller’s
method of determining actuator position.
NOTE: This parameter is only modified during the Droop Calibration
Procedure. See the Calibration Instructions chapter for more information.
3.24 Password (optional)
The password parameter is provided to protect against inadvertent parameter
changes that may occur whenever the keys are pressed and a parameter
modification is not intended. The password parameter has three possible settings:
DISABLED–This setting turns off any password protection. Use this setting if
password protection is not desired. This is the default setting as shipped from the
factory. Entering a value of [99] sets the password protect parameter to the
disabled mode. When the password protect parameter is selected, the LED
display will show [Pd] for 2 seconds, indicating the password-disabled mode, then
the value [00.] is displayed. The user can then edit the value.
LOCKED–This setting means that password protection is active and only
parameter viewing is allowed (parameter editing is disabled). Enter a value of [22]
to set password protect to locked mode. For 2 seconds after selection of the
password protect parameter, the LED display will show [PE.] for this mode and the
rightmost decimal point will be
(not blinking), then the value [00.] is displayed.
The user can then edit the value.
UNLOCKED–This setting means that password protection is active but parameter
editing is allowed. Entering a value of [30] while in LOCKED mode will UNLOCK
parameter editing. The user is free to edit parameters. If there is no keypad
activity for 5 minutes, the controller returns to LOCKED mode. If not already in the
UNLOCKED mode, the user must get into the UNLOCKED mode in order to enter
a 99 to disable password protection.
3.25 Over Speed Limit (optional)
This parameter is used to determine the engine speed that will trigger the
controller to output minimum fuel. The parameter’s value is in terms of a
percentage over the highest set speed. In other words, an over speed condition is
detected if the engine speed reaches a speed of [OVER SPEED LIMIT %] greater
than the highest set speed.
For example: If the highest set speed is 1800 RPM and this parameter is set to
20, then an over speed condition will be detected at 2160 RPM (the value that is
20% greater than 1800). Formula: 1.20 * 1800 RPM = 2160 RPM
The default value of 100 is used to disable over speed detection. Use values less
than 100 to enable the over speed limit function and set the limit speed to [(1 +
(overspeed_limit_value/100)) * (highest_set_speed)].
This parameter is used to determine the engine speed that will trigger the
controller to output minimum fuel. The parameter’s value is set as a frequency in
Hertz or as an RPM value depending on whether the No. of Flywheel Teeth
parameter is zero or nonzero respectively. The default value of 15,000 Hertz is
used to disable over speed detection.