f-Protection Module – Frequency [81O/U, 78, 81R]
Commissioning: f< and -df/dt
Object to be tested
All frequency protection stages that are projected as f< and -df/dt.
Necessary means
Three-phase voltage source.
Frequency generator that can generate and measure a linear, defined rate of change of frequency.
Testing the threshold values
Feed nominal voltage and nominal frequency to the device.
Decrease the frequency below the f< threshold.
Apply a rate of change of frequency (step change) that is below the setting value (Example apply -1 Hz
per second if the setting value is -0.8 Hz per second). After the tripping delay is expired the relay has to
Successful test result
Permissible deviations/tolerances and fallback ratios can be taken from the Technical Data.
EN MRU4 10/09
Page 267