REV: 8-03-10
After selecting NEW, the program editor will open. The program editor will allow you to
build your own programs. Each program can be up to 50 stages long. Each stage can
have independent time, elevation, and speed. You have the ability to store an unlimited
amount of programs.
Building a program
1. Click on the NEW STAGE button for the desired number of stages for the program.
2. Click on the stage # you wish to program.
3. Select the time, elevation, and speed for that stage.
4. Click ADD DATA to program the highlighted stage.
5. Repeat 2, 3 and 4 until program is completely programmed.
6. Click SAVE to name and save your program. If you enter a password when naming a
program, you will need to remember that password to open that program.
DELETE STAGE is used to delete a stage.
DISPLAY GRAPH is used to display a graph of the program.
COPY STAGE/PASTE STAGE: Click on the stage # you wish to copy. Click COPY
STAGE. Click on the stage # you wish to paste to. Press PASTE STAGE to paste. You
may paste the copied stage into as many stages as desired.