Settings in the service menu
Greenstar 4000 – 6 720 891 162 (2020/09)
Settings menu
The menu is adapted to your system automatically. Some menu items are
only available if the system has been set up accordingly. The menu items
are only displayed in systems in which the corresponding system
components are installed, e.g. Key Timer.
The factory settings are
in the following table.
Menu item
Settings/adjustment range
Low-loss header
Not used
DHW configuration
Not installed
• 3-way valve installed
• Cyl. primary pump installed
The factory default for installations without the optional
diverter valve kit, is "Not installed",
Where the optional diverter valve kit is installed, the
boiler will automatically detect its presence and adjust
the default setting to "3-way valve installed"
HC1 configuration
• No dedicated pump installed
Not used
Pump config.
• None
Heating pump
Max. heat output
• 50...
Maximum released thermal output [%] (heating).
On natural gas appliances:
▶ Measure the gas rate.
▶ Correct deviations.
Standby time
• 3…
…60 minutes
The time interval determines the minimum delay between
starting and restarting the burner.
Anticyc. temp. off
• 2 …
… 15 K
The difference between the current flow temperature and
the set flow temperature until the burner is switched off.
Anticycle temp. on
• -15 ...
... -2 K
The difference between the current flow temperature and
the set flow temperature until the burner is switched on.
Hot water
Max. DHW output
• 50...
Maximum power on hot water
DHW circ. pump
• On
No functionality; not used.
Cycle circ. pump
• 1 x 3 minutes/h
2 x 3 minutes/h
• 3 x 3 minutes/h
• 4 x 3 minutes/h
• 5 x 3 minutes/h
• 6 x 3 minutes/h
• Permanent
Menu only visible if DHW circ. pump is installed and set to
Number and duration of hot water circulation pump starts
per hour
• 60...
Thermal Disinfection hot water temperature set point.
Start TD
Start now?
Start legionella protection cycle
▶ Perform thermal disinfection
Stop TD
Cancel now?
Stop legionella protection cycle
Pump range map
• 0: Pump output proportional to the heat
• 1: constant pressure 150 mbar
• 2: constant pressure 200 mbar
3: constant pressure 250 mbar
• 4: constant pressure 300 mbar
• 5: constant pressure 350 mbar
• 6: constant pressure 400 mbar
▶ In order to save energy and to keep potential flow
noises to a minimum, set a low pump curve
Pump ctr. mode
• Energy saving
Heat demand
• Save energy: intelligent shutdown of heat pump for
heating systems with weather-compensated
controller. The heating pump is only switched on if
• With heat demand: the flow temperature controller
switches the heating pump. When there is heat energy
demand, the heating pump starts up with the burner.