The Decode Green Light on LZ200-RF One-Way Laser or LI101-RF
Linear Imager CCD stays lit.
On One-Way units, the batteries will run down real fast too. This means
that you are still in Setup Mode. Scan End Setup to turn the light out.
The Orange light stays on the LZ202-RF 2-way RF Laser Scanner and
LI102-RF Linear Imager Scanner.
You are in Setup Mode. Scan End Setup on the Wireless Setup Menu.
Wedge Troubleshooting
A one-way base station installed in Wedge mode doesn't beep three times
when you power up your system; or a 2-way base doesn't go from red to
green on the front LED; or the keyboard locks up; or you get a "keyboard
error" or "301" message.
Check the cable connections to make sure everything is plugged in
securely. 6 pin mini-din keyboard connectors can sometimes be tricky -
- make sure they're plugged in as far as they can go. Make sure you
plug the Y-cable into the keyboard port rather than the mouse port.
If, after checking the connections, you still have a problem, your PC and
keyboard combination probably doesn't have enough leftover power to
drive the bar code reader also. Don't use any old 5V power supply; it
must be regulated and must be the right polarity, otherwise you will
damage the Base Station. Order a 5-volt external power supply (feature
code F10 or 110V, F11 for Euro 220, and F14 for the UK).
The reader transmits incorrect data to the screen
Reread page 17 and make sure you chose the proper Computer Interface.
If part of the data is correct and part missing, first try the PC Keyboard
“Learned Timing”. If that doesn't work, you will have to tell the R/F
Reader to transmit data at a slower rate, by changing Data
Transmission Timing. Read page 16 on
Data Transmission Timing.
If the reader is transmitting punctuation characters (!@#$%^&*) when
reading numeric bar codes, or transmitting letters in the wrong
(upper/lower) case, you may have a Num Lock, Caps Lock, shift or
timing problem. Check your keyboard to see if the Num Lock or Caps
Lock keys have been activated. If you have a PC, try the Learned
Timing setting. Finally, try
Data Transmission Timing (See page 16).
Timings are fixed for Mac; no need to try to change.
If you're using Code 39, read page 13 to see if you've set Caps Lock
properly for your application. If your Code 39 bar codes include
punctuation characters %, $, / or + which don't up in the output, the
reader is seeing them as part of Full-ASCII Code 39 sequences. Using
the Reader Setup Menu, disable Full ASCII Code 39.