Belt sander
WX661 WX661.1
– Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery,
they can be caught in moving parts.
– non-skid footwear is recommended when
working outdoors.
– Wear protective hair covering to contain
long hair.
9. USe PRoTeCTive eqUiPMenT
– Use safety glasses.
– Use face or dust mask if working
operations create dust.
10. ConneCT DUST exTRACTion
– if the tool is provided for the connection of
dust extraction and collecting equipment,
ensure these are connected and properly
11. Do noT AbUSe The CoRD
– never yank the cord to disconnect it from
the socket Keep the cord away from heat,
oil and sharp edges.
12. SeCURe WoRK
– Where possible use damps or a vice to
hold the work. it is safer than using your
13. Do noT oveRReACh
– Keep proper footing and balance at all
14 - MAinTAin TooLS WiTh CARe
– Keep cutting tools sharp and clean for
better and safer performance.
– Follow instruction for lubricating and
changing accessories.
– inspect tool cords periodically and if
damaged have them repaired by an
authorized service facility.
– inspect extension cords periodically and
replace if damaged.
– Keep handles dry, clean and free from oil
and grease.
15. DiSConneCT TooLS
– When not in use, before servicing and
when changing accessories such as
blades, bits and cutters, disconnect tools
from the power supply.
16. ReMove ADjUSTinG KeyS AnD
– Form the habit of checking to see that keys
and adjusting wrenches are removed from
the tool before turning it on.
17. AvoiD UninTenTionAL STARTinG
– ensure switch is in “off” position when
plugging in
18. USe oUTDooR exTenSion LeADS
– When the tool is used outdoors, use only
extension cords intended for outdoor use
and so marked.
19. STAy ALeRT
– Watch what you are doing, use common
sense and do not operate the tool when
you are tired.
– before further use of tool, it should be
carefully checked to determine that it will
operate properly and perform its intended
– Check for alignment of moving parts,
binding of moving parts, breakage of
parts, mounting and any other conditions
that may affect its operation.
– A guard or other part that is damaged
should be properly repaired or replaced
by an authorized service centre unless
otherwise indicated in this instruction
– have defective switches replaced by an
authorized service centre.
– Do not use the tool if the switch does not
turn it on and off.
21. WARninG
– The use of any accessory or attachment
other than one recommended in this
instruction manual may present a risk of
personal injury.
22. hAve yoUR TooL RePAiReD by A
qUALiFieD PeRSon
– This electric tool complies with the
relevant safety rules. Repairs should only
be carried out by qualified persons using
original spare parts, otherwise this may
result in considerable danger to the user.
23. iF The RePLACeMenT oF The SUPPLy
CoRD iS neCeSSARy, ThiS hAS To be
Done by The MAnUFACTUReR oR hiS
AGenT in oRDeR To AvoiD A SAFeTy
24. FoR TooLS inTenDeD To be
– Replacement of the plug or the supply
cord shall always be carried out by the