Vision Cont’d
Q: My Robot thinks I am blue. What do I do?
A: If your robot thinks you are “blue” for some reason, then the
problem is the white balance setting in his color camera eye. His
default mode is “indoor yellow light” like the warm light you
commonly get from indoor light bulbs.
As with a camera, you may have to adjust what he sees for “indoor”,
“outdoor”, or “sun-on-beach”.
If you’re outside under SUNLIGHT,
press SHIFT1-SHIFT2-SHIFT3-”x”
If you’re inside under FLUORECENT LIGHTS,
press SHIFT1-SHIFT2-SHIFT3-”z”
In different light settings, his perception of colors may change. For
example, under indoor white fluorescent lights (when in “indoor
yellow light” mode), human hands appear blue, yellow tennis balls
appear green, and oranges appear red.
Please check your Robosapien™V2 instruction manual, page 25, for
further color camera information.