12.2.4. Finalize the update
On completion, the module outputs the following message on the UART and reboots.
+ e v e n t o t a : i n f o , " Received OTA f i l e n a m e 20181121135643
_CC3220SF_AMB5201_SerialWiFi_release . t a r , l e n = 440320 "
+ e v e n t o t a : i n f o , " Download complete "
The boot-up after an OTA update may require additional time (up to 60 seconds) in compar-
ison to a normal boot-up. In the browser click on finalize to complete the OTA process. After
this step, the ota.html shall show the new firmware version. A module reconfiguration via AT
commands or Provisioning is required after the firmware update.
Figure 17: Finalize OTA
Calypso reference manual version 1.2
© April 2019