Troubleshooting: Loose Wire?
Please check the wires in your battery and controller area. Give each wire at the
connection a firm but gentle tug pulling away from the connection. Look for any loose,
bare, blackened, broken, or disconnected wires.
1. Check the wires at the rear of the charging socket
2. Check the wires at the rear of the fuse holder
3. Check all fuses
4. Check the wires that connect the batteries together
5. Check the connections on the controller
g: Scooter Won’t Run, Charger Light Stays
When you plug your charger into your scooter and the wall outlet the charger light stays
green. This is telling you that somewhere between charger socket, controller, fuse holder
and batteries you have an open circuit. Please remove the floor plate and check the wires
in this area. You may find a wire that is not connected, a connector that is not pushed
together properly or a fuse holder that is not letting the fuse connect properly.
Troubleshooting: Scooter
Won’t Run, Charger Light Stays Red
& Green
When you plug your charger into your scooter and the wall outlet the charger light stays
green. This is telling you that somewhere between the batteries, fuse, and charger socket
you have an open circuit. Please remove the floor plate and check the wires in this area.
You may find a wire that is not connected, a connector that is not pushed together properly
or a fuse holder that is not letting the fuse connect properly.