Thank you for purchasing this Xaoc Devices
product. Sopot is a triple summing mixer
featuring three signal-adding sections, with
the middle one optionally fed to the top and
bottom ones. Sopot is a compact utility mod-
ule useful in summing multiple stereo and
mono sound sources (up to four signals for
each section).
To better understand the device, we strongly
advise the user to read through the entire
manual before use.
The module requires 6hp worth of free space
in the Eurorack cabinet.
Always turn the power off before plugging
the module to the bus board using the sup-
plied 16-pin to 10-pin ribbon cable, paying
close attention to power cable pinout and
orientation. The red stripe indicates the
negative rail and should match the –12v
mark on the bus board and the unit. Sopot
is internally secured against reversed pow-
er connection; however, flipping the 16-pin
may cause serious damage
to other
components of your system because it will
short circuit the +12V and +5V power lines.
Always pay particularly close attention to
the proper orientation of your ribbon cable
on both sides!
The module should be fastened by mount-
ing the supplied screws before powering up.
However, before doing so, you may consider
selecting the desired attenuation in each of
the three sections by appropriately setting
the three jumpers at the back. A detailed ex-
planation of their function is provided below.
mOdule OVerVieW
Sopot features three independent summing
. Each section has four
and one output
. The middle
section, marked mix m
, may be optionally
mixed into the upper one, mix l
, and the
lower one, mix r
. Two 3-position switches
allow for including this additional submix
in the upper and lower sections, or both (or
neither). The switches offer three options:
50% attenuation, off, and 100% (no atten-
Each summing section features a soft clip-
ping circuit to prevent unpleasant distortion.
In addition, there is a signal level indicator
in each of the three summing sections. It
shows the volume of the corresponding out-
put using light intensity and color, gradually
changing from green to yellow and red when
the sum exceeds 16Vpp.
The main application of Sopot is combining
up to four stereo sources (mix l for the left
channel, mix r for the right channel) with
up to four mono sources (mix m fed to the
upper and lower sections). Depending on
the position of the two switches, the middle
section’s submix may appear in the stereo
panorama as a centered source (100/100)
or an off-centered one (100/50 or 50/100).