XBLUE Networks
Extension User Guide
h To
Touch Tone On/Off can be used to customize a users’ telephone tactile response of dial pad
key operation. The factory setting is; Touch Tone “Off”. While ON; operation of the dial pad
button/keys will cause a subtle beep tone to be emitted from the telephone speaker as an
assurance that this button operation was successful.
Conditions: N/A
Transfer is used to deliver calls at one extension to another extension while maintaining the
privacy of the connection. This means that calls can be routed to system destinations
(Extensions, Hunt Group, Voicemail Group, etc.) in such a way that the wrong party cannot
easily intercept them.
There are two (2) types of transfer you may use: Screened (talk) Transfer and Unscreened
Screened Transfer – means that before the transfer is completed, the call is
announced to the destination extension. This transfer method provides the transfer-
ring party with the option to reroute the call being transferred if the selected destina-
tion is determined not appropriate.
Unscreened Transfer – simply delivers the call to the destination selected regardless of
the destination readiness to accept the call.
Until the transfer is complete, the outside line is placed on Exclusive Hold and can only be
retrieved by the transferring telephone or the receiving telephone.
Calls that are transferred are subject to a unique transfer recall time. Transferred calls that
go unanswered at the destination will recall (ring) to the transferring party when this timer
expires. There are two recall timers that affect transferred calls; Transfer Busy Recall Time
and Transfer Idle Recall Time. Idle and Busy represent the status of an extension for unsu-
pervised transfer scenarios. (If the extension destination is busy the Transfer-Busy Timer is
used. If the extension destination is idle the Transfer-Idle Timer is used.)