XciteRC Rocket 270M
RC functions Mode 2
RC functions MODE 2
Left - Right
Move the direction lever to the left, the helicop-
ter turns to the left. Move it to the right to turn
the helicopter to the right.
Trim left - right
When hoovering, the helicopter must stand in
place. If it moves to the right, move the trim but-
ton to the left until it stops, or vice versa.
Up - down
Move the throttle lever forward, the motor revs
up and the helicopter rises. Move the throttle le-
ver backwards to sink again.
Left - Right
Move the direction lever to the left, the helicop-
ter turns to the left. Move it to the right to turn
the helicopter to the right.
Forward - reverse
Move the direction lever towards you, the he-
licopter will move forward. Move the throttle
stick back to reverse.
Trim forward - reverse
When hoovering, the helicopter must stand in
place. If it moves forward, move the trim button
down until it stops, or vice versa.
Trim left - right
When hoovering, the helicopter must stand in
place. If it moves to the right, move the trim but-
ton to the left until it stops, or vice versa.