background image







001 001 01 03951 09520 1





means this line information is about TP


The serial number of the TP

it must be continuous




not from 



to  03


The number means this TP is belong to which satellite


have the same number


Transponder frequency
Symbol Rate





means H



means V



R epres ent U S ALS s tatus

0 means U S ALS O F F



means U S ALS O N



S atellite L ongitude



S atellite l oc ation



means e as t



means w es t






3 R es et to F ac tory

Us er c an r es et the s atellite d ata t o d efault in this m enu






4 C alc ulation A ngle

T he f unc tion c an c alc ulate a ntenna e levation

azimuth a nd 

LNB p olarization a ngle a c c ording to s atellite l ongitude

loc al loc ation l ongitude a nd l atitude p arameter s ettings

it is u s eful for r ec eiving i ns tallation


All manuals and user guides at

Summary of Contents for X5665OHD

Page 1: ...All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

Page 2: ...all gu ides c om ...

Page 3: ...ys tem 11 7 C harge i ndicator 12 8 Technique s pecifications 12 9 Attachments 12 This type of digital satellite finder is a simple and convenient instrument to install and adjust satellite dish As digital satellite finder it is necessary to input corresponding satellite paramet ers such as L O frequency of LNB Down F requency symbol rate etc It can be used as an indicator to adjust satellite dish...

Page 4: ...ange and improvement without notice Please inquire of manufacturer if there s any need after the usage 1 S afety p recautions 1 The b attery is o nly a pplicable to the c harger which s up plied o r a ppointed b y the m anufacturer o f this m achine 2 The c harging time s hould b e m inimum 5 h ours f or the f irs t time and it s hould n ot be c harged o ver 1 2 h ours a fter the firs t time 3 The...

Page 5: ...gnal quality o n nixie tube 7 B uild in b uzzer 8 S upport to c heck the p ower c able a utomatically 9 S upport to r es et to d efaults 10 LC D s creen s hows s ignal s trength q uality power ME R TP T ype F E C B E R etc 11 The u nit of s ignal power s upport dbm dbuv 12 US B 2 0 for s oftware u pdate backup s atellite p aram e ters All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

Page 6: ...on description 9 8 7 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 S ignal Input 2 D C i nput 3 U S B p ort 4 C ompas s 5 Indicator 6 LCD 7 Nixie tube 8 LED switch 9 Buttons 10 P ower Switch P OWE R C HAR G E 22K 18V LO C K All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

Page 7: ...tch Switch the highlight LED Compass Indicate the direction MENU Direct go to main menu EXIT Press this button to step back or cancel current parameter modifying OK Use this button to enter a submenu or save a new setting after adjustment press it to enter parameter setting Move cursor up down left right Page up down change the parameter settings P OWE R C HAR G E 22K 18V LO C K All manuals and us...

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Page 9: i nformation about s oftware then e nter to the m ain m enu 5 1 F ind In this m enu it is d is play the s ignal s trength a nd q uality according to the p arameters t hat us er s elected o r e dited help u s er to a djus t the d is h All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

Page 10: ...der 03880 V 27500 Move WE S T G oto XX S et Limit E AS T S 57 Q 45 Longitude S atellite l ongitude Direction S atellite d irection Move To d rive the m otor to r otate d is h a ntenna pres s to s elect eas t or wes t pres s OK once w ill rotate one s tep pres s a nd h old will rotate c ontinuous ly G oto R otate to the target automatically pres s OK to execute XX R otate d is h a ntenna to c orres...

Page 11: ...l limit 5 2 S pectrum In this m enu the s trength o f input s ignal will dis play in graphic m ode Press to move cursor press to change the range of signal strength display current frequency and signal strength is shown on top press OK to pause 5 3 L ist 5 3 1 Manual Check S elect the d es ired s atellite a nd c orres ponding trans pon der it will s how the s ignal detail information include s tre...

Page 12: ...s ignal has b een locked In auto check 01 T haicom5 Press OK to search next satellite 5 4 S at In this m enu u s er c an a dd modify o r d elete the s atellites including s atellite n ame LO f requency 22K Hz DiS E qC 1 0 US ALS a nd s atellite l ongitude a ccording to s elf req uirements E d i t S a te l l i te Add S atellite Modify S atellite Delete S atellite 01 0 3840 H 2 7500 TYP E D VB S F E...

Page 13: ...r 5 6 S etup This m enu c ontains s ome a uxiliary functions a nd u s er d ata management 5 6 1 B ack u p D ata You c an b ack u p s atellite d ata to U d is k b y this m enu 5 6 2 U pdate D ata You c an update s atellite d ata from U d is k b y this m enu Note Only the txt format file which named XS 6650HD can be identified and must write as below There is a blank line at last All manuals and use...

Page 14: ...all gu ides c om ...

Page 15: ...nt 22K Hz s ignal s tatus 0 means O F F 1 means O N R epres ent DiS E qC 1 0 s tatus 0 means O F F 1 means L NB 1 2 means L NB 2 3 means L NB 3 4 means L NB 4 2014 9 2 13 50 29 XS6650HD 01 01 00CHina 6B 05150 0 0 0 115 5 0 001 001 01 03951 09520 1 001 002 01 03880 27500 0 01 02 Koreasat 5 11300 1 0 0 113 0 0 001 003 02 12647 28000 1 01 03 0000NS S 11 Univ 0 0 0 108 2 0 001 004 03 12537 41250 1 01 ...

Page 16: ...LS s tatus 0 means U S ALS O F F 1 means U S ALS O N S atellite L ongitude S atellite l ocation 0 means e as t 1 means w es t 5 6 3 R eset to F actory Us er c an res et the s atellite d ata to d efault in this m enu 5 6 4 C alculation Angle The function c an c alculate a ntenna e levation azimuth a nd LNB p olarization a ngle a ccording to s atellite l ongitude local location longitude a nd latitu...

Page 17: ... S elect the u nit of s ignal level 5 6 6 C hange the c olor S elect the b ackground c olor text color a nd c urs or c olor 6 Update a pplication s ystem The p roduct can update a pplication s ys tem from U S B p ort if you want to u pdate a pplication s ys tem ins ert U d is k pr es s LE D s witc h key and c onnec t power s upply until the s creen d is play a s b elow S et the s ignal s trength s...

Page 18: ...e 01 XS6650HD bin Press OK to update When the system is complete up dating the system will restart 7 C harge indicator G reen led o n Fully c harged Red led on In charging Red led flash No battery or battery error 8 Technique s pecifications All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

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