Refer to the test pattern form shown in this procedure. Note
that the test form is in landscape orientation. You must
measure horizontal and vertical skew values according to the
orientation shown on the test pattern form.
4. Convert the measurements to dot and scan line values.
Horizontal skew is measured in dots. One inch is equal to
300 dots. Convert your measurement to dots by multiplying
inches by 300. Refer to the test pattern form for the correct
orientation of the image to the page. To move the image to
the right, add dots to the current value (determined in step
1). To move the image to the left, subtract dots. You
cannot enter a negative number.
Vertical skew is measured in scan lines. One inch is equal to
300 scan lines. Convert your measurement to scan lines by
multiplying inches by 300. Refer to the test pattern form for
the correct orientation of the image to the page. To move
the image toward the bottom of the page, add scan lines to
the current value (determined in step 1). To move the image
up, subtract scan lines. You cannot enter a negative number.
5. Change the alignment values by entering the following
ALIGN command:
ALIGN scans,dots,[TEST]
Specifies the number of scan lines (across a portrait page
or down a landscape page) in dots. The range is 1 to
296, inclusive.
Specifies the number of dots along each scan line (up a
portrait page or across a landscape page) in dots. The
range is 0 to 1499, inclusive.
Prints the alignment test pattern form with the new
alignment values.
6. Verify the new form alignment by repeating steps 2 and 3. If
the form alignment is correct, continue printing jobs. If the
alignment needs further adjustment, repeat steps 4 and 5.
7. Continue printing jobs.
If you have set the alignment for one particular job, print
only that job.
If you have set the alignment for one particular job,
restore the form alignment settings to the original values.
Enter the ALIGN command using the original values
determined in step 1.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS OPERATOR GUIDE