LPS PDL Reference and the Forms Creation Reference for more
Color support for the 4890 LPS is provided through host-resident
software, such as CompuSet and other third-party document
composition systems. These software packages also reference
inks from ink catalog files. Consult the appropriate reference
manual for the software you are using for information on how
color is specified.
The 4890 supports the color capabilities of Interpress, the Xerox
Page Description Language. Once a document is converted to
Interpress, it is sent to the printer using Xerox Network System
(XNS) protocols.
With an optional front end processor installed, the 4890 prints
documents from software that supports PostScript output,
making full use of the application software color capability.
Color substitution
Output from hosts, PCs, or workstations may contain color
information in the form of an industry-standard color model.
This software includes programs that output Interpress,
PostScript, and HP-PCL masters. In these models, the full
spectrum of colors is specified through combinations of three or
four parameters.
Because the 4890 produces tones of a single highlight primary
color, the colors specified must be mapped into a color (ink)
defined in the currently available ink catalog file. The translation
process attempts to match the colors as closely as possible.
This mapping occurs automatically as a function of the 4890
operating system software (OSS), in the front end processor, or
in some host software packages, depending on the particular
Color-related software considerations
HighLight color documents for printing on the 4890 are
produced by color applications or by adding color with printer
utilities. The methods available for adding color to documents
depend upon the data stream produced by the application
software used to create the document.
Adding color to line printer and LCDS data streams
When variable data is sent to the printer using Laser Conditioned
Data Set (LCDS) or line printer data streams, highlight color is
implemented through specification in PDL and metacode
commands. These commands are included within the data
stream by the document creation software.
Adding color during document creation
Many document creation applications support highlight color
printing directly. Documentation for these software packages
includes instructions for adding color to documents.