AccXES Account Management Tool Administrator’s Guide
AMT Database Resolution
If "metric units" is selected on the Job Options dialog, the raw database
units are square mm and become square dm in the tallied database. If "english
units" is selected, the raw database units are square inches and the tallied data
is in square feet.
Raw Job Accounting Database
The Raw Job Accounting Database shows on the Printer Job Accounting Tab
and consists of the following data columns.
Record ID, Printer Name, Account ID, User ID, Job Name, Job ID, Job Type, Job
State, Job Sets, Job Completion Time, Media Type, Media Size, Media Area,
Media Sheets, Scan Time, Scan File Size, Scan Media Width, Scan Media
Length, Scan Destination, Scan to Net Count, Time Stamp
Optional data selections will influence what is collected from the printers’
controllers and therefore what is retrieved and shown on the Printer Job
Accounting Tab.
This database will be updated whenever the AMT Administrator retrieves the job
accounting data from each AccXES AMT defined printer's job log file, which is
located in each printer's controller. The data will remain in the database until it is
manually deleted, or until the Keep Raw Printer Records Interval is reached.
Go to the Printer Job Accounting Tab to view the data that is currently in this
database and to collect the job accounting data from the controllers to update the
Raw Job Accounting Database. The data records will be sorted for each Printer,
in the following order:
Record ID
Printer Name (numbered printers, followed by alphanumeric printers)
Account ID (numbered accounts, followed by alphanumeric accounts)
User IDs for each Account ID (numbered users, followed by
alphanumeric users, including GenericAccountID and GenericUserID)
Time Stamp
Within the same printer, for the same account/user, the most recent records
will be listed first (per the time stamp).
After the AccXES AMT has completed the copying of the controller's job
accounting data and has made updates to the Raw Job Accounting Database, it
will issue a purge command to the printer to remove the original data from the job
log file in the printer's controller. If the data does not purge, a checkmark will