E t h e r T a l k C o n f i g u r a t i o n
C h a p t e r 4 : E t h e r T a l k C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Choosing the
To choose the printer, use the following procedure:
1. Make sure you have loaded the print driver and file
drivers appropriate to your printer.
2. Select the EtherTalk link for AppleTalk by clicking on the
Apple icon in the Macintosh menu bar.
3. Select
Control Panel
4. Click on
5. Choose
as the AppleTalk connection, as shown
in the example.
6. Click on the Apple icon.
7. Select
to display the Chooser screen.
Book.frm : CHAP4.FRM Page 3 Saturday, October 12, 1996 7:43 AM