SAFEStor User Guide
Page 12
Null-modem cable
Baud Rate
Data bits
Flow Control
By connecting a VT100 terminal, or a PC operating in an equivalent terminal emulation mode,
all RAID subsystem monitoring, configuration and administration functions can be carried out.
There is a wide variety of Terminal Emulation packages available, such as Hyperterm. Open the
Terminal Emulator of your choice and configure the Settings of the Terminal port as shown in
the Terminal Requirements table above.
When the VT100 Terminal set-up is complete, you can press the " X " key (on your Terminal) to
link the RAID subsystem and Terminal together. The disk array Monitor Utility screen is
displayed on your VT100 Terminal.
Please refer to Chapter 5 to continue with the configuration of the unit using the VT-100
terminal software.
W eb brow ser -based R A ID m anager
Firmware-embedded web browser RAID manager is a HTTP
based application, which utilizes
the browser installed on your operating system. You can use the Ethernet LAN port (see Chapter
2 for location of components) to configure the subsystem without any additional software or
You can manage the RAID subsystem remotely without adding any user specific software
(platform independent) via standard web browsers connected directly to the 10/100 Ethernet
RJ45 LAN port.
To configure the RAID subsystem on a local or remote machine, you need to know its IP
Address. The IP address is detailed on the Product Documentation and Quality Sheet provided
with the unit.
To launch the TCP/IP & Web Browser-based RAID manager, enter:
http://[IP Address]
NOTE: You must be logged-in as administrator with local admin rights on the workstation to
remotely configure RAID subsystem. The user name and password are case sensitive. The
default values are:
User Name: