Information Pages
Your printer has a set of information pages that you can print. These pages include configuration and
font information, demonstration pages, and more.
The following Information Pages are available:
Configuration Report
The Configuration Report provides printer information including
installed options, network settings, port setup, tray information,
and more.
Billing Summary Report
The Billing Summary Report provides information about the de-
vice and a detailed listing of the billing meters and sheet
Supplies Usage Report
The Supplies Usage Report provides coverage information and
part numbers for reordering supplies.
PostScript Font List
The PostScript Font List provides a printout of all PostScript
fonts that are available on the printer.
PCL Font List
The PCL Font List provides a printout of all PCL fonts that are
available on the printer.
Demonstration Print
Demonstration Print provides a demonstration of the current
print quality.
Startup Page
The Startup Page provides basic printer configuration and net-
work information.
Job History Report
The printer retains information on previous print jobs, including
the date, time, job type, document name, output color, paper
size, number of pages, and results. The status of a maximum of
200 jobs prints on the Job History Report.
PPrriinnttiinngg IInnffoorrm
maattiioonn PPaaggeess
1. At the printer control panel, press the
2. Touch
Information Pages
3. To print an information page, touch the needed page.
4. To return to the Home screen, press the
C8000/C9000 Color Printer
User Guide