WorkCentre 5845/5855/5865/5875/5890?
5800 series and our A3 monochrome MFP family.
A combination of 200 ipm scanner, new small
particle toner and illuminated paper path, decurler
and new finisher are just some of the highlights.
What is a brief summary of the imaging system /
engine used in the WorkCentre
The imaging system has evolved from the
WorkCentre 5700 series. New smaller toner
particles provide better yields and better mid-tones
and highlight details. The yields for the product
segment have increased. For example, a customer
can expect a 15% yield from their toner and longer
life from the customer replaceable xerographic
New Toner Formulation:
Is the toner chemically grown or conventional
pulverized toner?
The WorkCentre 5800 uses a hybrid conventional
toner that has been reformulated with smaller
particle sizes. This is a dual component
development design using a non-magnetic
conventional toner.
Anything special about the particle size or shape?
The volume median diameter of the toner is 7.5
microns, which is a smaller size for conventionally
made toner. This smaller size gives better image
resolution. Additional carbon black has been
Does the new toner offer any specific
improvements? Please tell us about them.
The carbon black content increased. This means we
can effectively give the same image quality by
using fewer toner particles and thus have a higher
yield per unit weight of toner. The result is more
dynamic range, a “blacker black.”