T h e T e l r c f U t i l i t y ( O p t i o n a l )
C h a p t e r 7 : U s i n g t h e P r i n t e r w i t h L A N M a n a g e r
Using the Telrcf
Script Facility
Telrcf may be used to execute XNIC command scripts for
remotely configuring your XNIC. Telrcf is especially useful if you
want to configure many XNIC servers remotely from your LAN
Manager host. Refer to the
XNIC tasks and commands
tables in
each chapter of this guide for specific XNIC commands.
To execute scripts, Telrcf should be run directly from an OS/2
window. To do this, open an OS/2 window and
c d
to the
\ x e r o x
directory. For information on the telrcf options type telrcf without
any arguments and the program will display a list of its runtime
To see an example of a telrcf script file, enter:
t y p e
s c r i p t . t x t
Use a text editor to create a script file in a form similar to the
sample. You may use any valid XNIC command in your script to
set or display any XNIC parameters.
To send a telrcf configuration script file named
s e r v c n f g . s c r ”
to an XNIC with IP address
At the OS/2 prompt, enter:
t e l r c f 1 3 8 . 2 3 9 . 1 . 2 - f s e r v c n f g . s c r
The commands in the script will be echoed to the screen.
When the script execution completes, press:
< C t r l > < B r e a k >
ETR-CH07 Page 21 Wednesday, October 23, 1996 9:41 PM