P o s t S c r i p t D r i v e r I n s t a l l a t i o n
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
From a Remote
Floppy Device
Insert diskette 3 of 3 into the floppy drive.
# cpio -icvdB < /dev/fd0
# eject
(eject the 3rd floppy disk)
# ./install
(begin the print driver
When asked to enter install directory, enter the name of the
directory where you want the driver software to be installed.
Do not use the scratch area directory for this purpose.
Create a new directory other than the scratch area.
For example: /home/xerox/driver_software.
When asked to run the
program to configure the
printers, you can change to the bin directory or run it with
the full path name.
For example:
# /home/xerox/driver_software/bin/xpconfig
(your directory path might
be different)
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start
(start volume manager,
optionally. Only on
Solaris System)
Decide where you want to store the Xerox installation files
on the local hard disk of your workstation and create a
ETR-APPB Page 10 Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:51 AM