HM-E300 User Manual
3.4 Magnetic Card Reader
Please keep the following points in mind when reading a card.
Swipe the card with its magnetic stripe side towards the printer.
Hold the card in the center and swipe it straight at a steady speed in the directions of arrows. You
can swipe the card in either direction to read the data.
Be sure to hold the printer firmly with your hand while swiping.
Pay attention to the hand you hold the printer, you finger
should not touch the cover of the MSR slot, if not, the card
cannot be read properly. (See correct example on Figure 3.4-2)
If you hold the corner of the card, it is difficult to swipe it straight so that you may fail to read the
card data.So hold the card in the center when you swipe the card.
Figure 3.4-1
Figure 3.4-2
A buzzer will sound once when a card is successfully read, and you will see present “MSR read
success” in the LCD.
When the printer fails to read the card, the buzzer will sound three times and you will see
present ”MSR read failure” in the LCD. Please check the orientation of the card, and slide it through
the reader slot again.
1.Swiping JIS card is also under MSR mode.
2.JIS card operation is same as MSR card operation.