厦 门 四 信 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:J1-J2,3rd Floor,No.44,GuanRi Road,SoftWare Park,XiaMen,China
Zip Code
Tel:+86 592-6300320, +86 592-6300321, +86 592-6300322 Fax:+86 592-5912735 http://
www.four-faith.com www.fourfaith.com
Databit: 8
Parity : None
Stopbit: 1
Flow control: None
When you configure the serial port settings , press “call” button ,The router log
message will be displayed.
You can capture the log message into a file:
From the menu, choose “Transfer”
”capture text”
Input the log file name and press “start” button, the output message are now stored
in the log file.
When enough message captured, you can stop capturing:
From the menu, choose “Transfer”
”capture text”
The log message is output to a syslog server, if choose this way, you should input
a syslog server’s IP Address and run a syslog server program on it. .
3.3.13 Misc
Normally, the four-faith web config tool listens on port 80. If you want to change
listening port, please configure “web config port” item.