Prac�ce Mode
You can use the G90/S as a CW code trainer using the following method:
Disable the QSK func�on for the [KEY] func�on. Only the CW sidetone of the
transceiver will be heard when using the CW key. Signals will not be transmi�ed.
CW Automa�c Decoding
CW Keyer Se�ngs
A long press of the [KEY] bu�on enables CW automa�c decoding. Rotate the
main tuning knob to fine tune the received signal un�l the indicator light A
flashes in �me with the code. Decoded CW text will appear at the bo�om of
the screen.
Since the accuracy of the automatic decoding of Morse code is related to the
received station’s CW accuracy, received signal quality, and frequency accuracy
of the other radio, Auto CW decoding is only an addition to using your own ears
for decoding. It can also be useful when learning Morse code.
When using automa�c CW decoding, for best results, the bandwidth of the
receiving filter should be set to 300Hz. Also, adjust the keyer speed on the
G90/S to approximately the speed of the incoming CW for the best decoding
results. The G90/S’s CW decoder is capable of excellent performance when
adjusted correctly.
The [KEY] bu�on func�on has se�ngs required for normal CW communica�ons.
Press the key in momentarily to select, in turn:
SPEED: automa�c key rate se�ng
M/L/R: se�ngs of manual/ automa�c le�- and right-hand modes
MODE: Iambic A/B mode se�ng
QSK switch: turn QSK on or off
QSK Time: QSK �me se�ng
Ra�o: set the automa�c key dot-and-dash interval ra�o