Hardware User Guide
RS-232 Port
The RS-232 Port is where the MultiLINX cable connects to on
the host computer. This is how the MultiLINX cable hardware
communicates with the host.
SelectMAP Mode
SelectMAP mode is a MultiLINX configuration mode supported
by the MultiLINX device, Virtex.
Slave Serial Mode
Slave Serial Mode is a MultiLINX configuration mode
supported by the following MultiLINX devices: Virtex, Spartan,
XCS5200, and XC3000.
Universal Serial Buss (USB) Port
The USB Port is where the MultiLINX cable connects to on the
host computer.
XChecker Cable
The XChecker hardware consists of a cable assembly with
internal logic, a test fixture, and a set of headers to connect the
cable to your target system.