surprise, just click on the Random button. This time, StiX will change all drumkits with total random : A snare can become a kick, or
an FX, or anything else. This can lead to total chaos, or less.
The XoX sequencer.
Changing the rhythm of a sequencer line is very easy. Just click in an empty slot in any sequencer line to make a hit, and click again
on it to delete it. It’s as simple as that.
Experiment a bit with the different sequencer lines to change the rhythms played by each Drumpad. You can change, or create, a
rhythm in a minute with StiX
Some actions can be performed faster : Left Click on the Fill Button located at the left of each sequencer line will fill the entire line
wih hits. This can be handy for HH patterns for example. Right Click on this button to completely erase a sequencer line.
Randomize a sequence line : Click on the Random Diode, located at the right of each sequencer Line to generate a naw sequence line.
You can also Copy/Paste sequencer lines. This is useful for example to layer two or more sounds.
Let’s Play with StiX ( Live and Daw use )
In the pattern area, at the top right of StiX GUI, click on the copy button. Click on the Pattern B. Pattern B is now playing. Whether it
is empty, or already populated, click on the Paste Button to copy the content of Pattern A in Pattern B.
Now experiment a bit ( Change rhythm, erase some sequencer lines, fill some others, make holes in the filled lines etc) so that you
now have two different patterns. Repeat the process by copying Pattern B to C, and make another variation, or build a break, or a roll
etc. You now have three patterns.
You can switch patterns live by pressing the keys of your midi Keyboard in the C2-B2 range while stix is running : C is pattern A, B
is pattern B, aso. You can record pattern changes in your Daw, and build entire tracks very quickly.
No need to make another pattern just to add a few drum hits : Just play them live while StiX is running ! You can trigger the 10 Drum
Sounds by playing them on your Midi keyboard in the C1-B1 range. C1 should be the Bass Drum, or the sound in the Bass Drum slot.
D2 the Snare, aso.
So far you have learned that you can control StiX with the two first octaves. The third Octave is used to mute, and unmute drumpads.
Press C3, and you’ll mute the Bass Drum, D3 the Snare. The sound will be muted as long as you hold the different keys pressed, and
will come back as soon as a note off event message is received. Another way to make great variations, and build entire intros or outros
out of a single pattern.
Effects : When you select a Drumpad, you can use its FX sends or FX insert buttons. So you can add Reverb, Delay, Phaser on any
drumpad. And insert a Crusher with different settings for every drumsound if you wish.