Shenzhen XingKeChuang Technology Co., Ltd.
Phone: 86-0755-33523599 FAX: 86-0755-33515410 URL: http://www.sz-xkc.com
Address: 11th Floor, No. 48, Xinyu Road, Xinqiao Community, Xinqiao Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen
repair product of the same category, function, and quality. The replaced faulty part belongs to the company; the product
Resale and repair do not affect the warranty period. Products that have been repaired or replaced continue to enjoy the
original remaining warranty period service. If the warranty period is less than three months after the repair, the repaired or
replaced part shall be shipped from the date of delivery Warranty for three months; all products of the company are
guaranteed for repair.
2. Loss upon arrival (DOA) replacement: From the day of purchase, you can enjoy a free replacement service within 7
days. Products with the following problems are defined as DOA equipment: the packing and packing list do not match
after the first unpacking of the product; some or all of the components cannot be used normally after the first unpacking
of the product (surface scratches or other things that do not affect the function of the device) Defects are not included);
other hardware failures identified by our company’s engineers remotely or locally.
(B). Applicable limitations of warranty
For the following situations, the company does not assume warranty responsibility:
1. The product is out of warranty; the surface of the product is fragile and damaged; the appearance of the product is
seriously damaged, installation/use in abnormal environment, unauthorized disassembly and repair/modification, external
power supply damage and other abnormal damage;
2. Damage caused by incorrect installation and use of the product by the user not following the requirements of the
3. Damage caused by natural disasters and human negligence (fire, lightning, flooding, impact, etc.).
(C) .Accessories and consumables are not covered by the warranty.
(D) .Non-free warranty service
Within two years of product purchase, for non-warranty product (including components) failures and damages, you can
choose paid maintenance services (free labor costs), and we will charge the transportation cost of repairing parts and
accessories according to the actual situation.
(E). Ways to obtain warranty service
It is recommended that you contact the dealer who purchased this product to obtain the warranty service. For the
warranty, please present a valid warranty card (the dealer’s stamp is required to take effect) or the purchase
invoice/receipt: if you can’t show it, the product’s free warranty period 12 months from the product shipment date, and
the latest DOA application deadline is 7 days from the product shipment date.
(F). Statement
1. The copyright of this manual belongs to Shenzhen Xingkechuang Technology Co., Ltd. (Xingkechuang) and its
authorized licensors. Shenzhen Xingkechuang Technology Co., Ltd. (Xingkechuang) reserves all rights.
2. Without the written permission of the company, no unit or individual may excerpt or copy part or all of the contents of
this manual, and shall not spread it in any form.
3. The customer recognizes that the purpose of the design and production of the company's products does not involve use
in products related to life support or other systems or products used in other dangerous activities or environments.
Personal injury or death, property or environmental damage due to product failure (collectively referred to as high-risk
activities). The company's products are artificially used in high-risk activities, and the company does not guarantee it and
is not liable to customers or third parties.