As the PLC RS485 port is serial port2, here we choose no.2 for comportNo. The protocol is
X-NET. The physical layer is RS485.
NetID: the network number of the two PLC. The device net ID in the same network must be the
same. Here we set it to 1.
StationID: each PLC station number in the network. The two PLC station number is 1 and 2.
Net type:
TBN--- PLC communicate with PLC
TBN or HDN--- PLC communicate with HMI
HDN--- PLC communicate with servo.
Baud rate: here we set it to 1.5M
TokenCycle time: the time of each station in the network cycle once, the unit is ms. Here we have
two PLC, so the time set to 10ms.
Max station number: the max device numbers in the network.