XM1630S Software Reference Manual
No. XM1630S-A00-104
xmodus swiss GmbH
29 / 32
The linear flash memory up-loader allows flash memory to be upgraded with revised
modem firmware. This process transfers (uploads) the upgraded modem firmware
(data) from the host computer to the LAN-modem using the serial RS232 interface.
During the upload, the modem transfers the data to the flash memory device.
When the “download” command is issued, the present program in FLASH modem is
deleted and the firmware boot loader is invoked. The user can then load the new
firmware in S-record format.
1. Put the new modem firmware file (i.e. AL6000S_ V1.1.4.a79) in an appropriate
directory on the computer’s hard disk.
2. Connect to the modem via the serial interface and command “download” in the
“admin” menu. This will invalidate the program in FLASH and cause the modem
to reboot. The serial settings will then be 115200, 8N1 and XON/XOFF flow
control so it may be necessary to reconfigure the communications program used
(eg. Hyperterminal or TeraTerm).
3. The following menu will appear when the ENTER key is pressed:
Boot mode (V1.0)
Enter “p” to program new code
Enter “q” to quit and re-check
Enter “s” to start program – no checking
4. Now start the flash up-loader by typing “p”. The following message appears upon
issuing the “p” command.
Are you sure ? (y/n)
5. Acknowledge with “y” and the following message will appear:
FLASH deleted, please start S-rec download:
6. Start the upload to the modem, ensuring that the transfer takes place in binary
mode. The upload takes about 15s to complete during which each S-record line
programmed is displayed with a dot on the screen.
After the firmware file has been loaded successfully, the following message
appears and the new software starts automatically.
Download successful. Board restarting
7. Check the new firmware version with show_config (Admin Menu).
8. The original configuration of the modem will normally be retained across a
firmware upgrade
However, in case of a special software version where also parameters may be
reset, it would then be necessary to reconfigure the modem. Check with the
release notes of the new firmware to be sure.