QUESTION: Why does my oven produce a lot of smoke?
Check to make certain the wood is not wet or green. If you hear a hissing noise while
burning - that is an indicator that the wood is not dry.
Do not burn softwood or birch with the bark on.
Make certain that you have robust flames. Smoke is a product of incomplete combustion,
builld up the fire with small dry wood and see if it clears.
QUESTION: Why does the top of my pizza cook but not the crust?
Pre-heat your oven longer. The chamber is hot but the floor of the oven has not had
enough time to heat up to temperature.
If you are using parchment paper, remove it as soon at the pizza can be moved without
Position your pizza toward the right, rear corner of the oven.
QUESTION: What can I cook besides pizza in my oven?
Virtually anything you might roast or bake in a conventional oven; sausage, poultry,
fish, vegetables, bread, cookies, desserts and much more. Remember because of higher
temperatures most cooking times will be reduced.
QUESTION: What about tools or cooking utensils?
The three tools you will need are a large pizza peel for adding and removing food, a
smaller round peel for rotating dishes while in the oven and a brush used for removing
ash and manipulating the fire. You may want additional accessories later based on
your cooking preferences.
QUESTION: What kind wood should I use?
Burn dry, seasoned hardwood only, such as; oak, maple, apple, elm, beech, cherry, ash,
hickory, chestnet - there are many varieties available. Remember to remove the bark
from birch before burning and avoid softwoods such as pine, spruce or fir.
QUESTION: How do I clean by oven?
Refer to page 13 for instructions on cleaning the interior and exterior of your oven.
QUESTION: How long does it take to cook?
Once the oven has been properly pre-heated (650 - 750 F) it only takes about 2-3
minutes to cook a pizza.
Roasting is done once the oven temperature drops to about 450 F.
Baking is done last after the oven temperature has had an opportunity to drop. This
permits bread to rise without burning.
Remember to rotate dishes periodically as they bake or roast to ensure they are cooking
and browning evenly.