English - 14
Reload the filters
To ensure the best efficiency and lifespan, each filter must be reloaded in a correct
position, sequence and orientation.
The particles captured by a used filter can cause adverse human health effects and
contaminate the nearby environment once the filter is exposed to the open air. Adequate
personal protection equipment (PPE) is required during the whole process, for example,
industry approved masks, eye protectors, gloves and coveralls. You should place the used
filters in a sealed plastic bag before disposing. Follow local disposal regulations.
• On one of the side of each filter,
there is a label with an arrow
showing the airflow direction.
• When placing the filter, the side
with label should face up. The
arrow on the label should point
to the exhaust.
Airflow Direction
* All replacement filters are available on www.xpower.com.
Filter storage
• When not in use for a long time, you should store the filter separately from the
• Always clean the filters before storage. Place the filters in a sealed plastic bag and
store it in a dry and cool indoor place.
Replace the filters periodically
• Even if the pressure gauge shows negative pressure is still lower than the values
below, it’s suggested to check and replace the filters every 6 months.
• Stored or unused filters are also suggested to check and replace the filters every 6