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Slide the transmitter's on/off switch to turn on the transmitter.
The green LED should glow brightly.
If the green LED does not glow or if the red LED is glowing,
check the batteries and replace them if necessary.
To prevent a runaway vehicle, always turn on the transmitter before
plugging the battery pack into the ESC.
Before plugging the battery into the ESC, double-check that
the truck's switch is in the "off" position.
Plug the connector on the battery into the matching connector
on the ESC.
Slide the truck's on/off switch to turn on the truck. The red and
green LEDs on the ESC will flash then only the green LED will stay
lit. The ESC is now ready to use.
When you're done driving, always unplug the battery from the ESC.
Section 4: Checking the Controls
To prevent any chance of a runaway model, the radio system should be range checked before the first run of the day and/or after a crash.
To range check the radio system, do the following:
Plug in the battery pack into the ESC, turn on the transmitter, then turn on the truck.
Extend the transmitter antenna completely.
With the truck on the ground walk away from the truck about 150 feet. Move the steering wheel while looking at the truck's
wheels. The wheels should pivot smoothly back and forth as you rotate the steering wheel back and forth.
If the radio system does not operate properly, please refer to the troubleshooting guide on page # 13 before going further.
Never attempt to operate your model if the radio control system is not functioning properly. Doing so could be harmful to others around
you and/or to your model.
Range Checking the Radio System